The words of Eevla
Life is hard – and the hard things all seem to come together.
The whiteness has come like it does every year and like every year it changes life. It’s cold. I’m sure it isn’t colder than any other year, but it sure feels like it. Most years there would only be a fire in the hut at dinner time, but his year I’ve had a fire going most of the day.
Maybe I’m colder because I’m with child? Maybe not? I think I would be warmer with all this extra weight I’m carrying.
Maybe it’s because I’m in my own hut this year? I’m not sharing it with twenty other women. Or maybe my hut isn’t built as well?
Maybe it’s because I’m colder on the inside – Zilreleon went hunting two weeks ago and hasn’t returned. I’m afraid he’s not coming back. I know that he won’t help with the baby much, but a baby should at least know its father. Also, I miss him laying next to me at night.
My food is going quicker this year since I’m eating for two. I may have to go and ask some of the other women for food, especially if Zilreleon doesn’t come back. I hate the thought of having to ask for help, but I will if I need to for my baby.
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